Make it grain.
Through many years of experience, we have mastered online data. We have a deep understanding of industry best practices, we are familiar with privacy regulations and we know how to utilize online marketing tools in the most efficient and effective ways.
This allows us to find the best ways to collect, structure, store, and analyze your data. Enabling you to distribute new insights quickly, such that you can start generating value from the information that was there all along.
A well-designed collection architecture is crucial for having accurate and actionable data. We understand the industry and have experience with many marketing and analysis tools. This allows us to set up high-performance systems in the most effective way.
We have identified common patterns in online data, which we have incorporated in our standardized collection scheme. This results in well-structured data with minimal effort.
Every day we analyse and monitor many millions of pageviews and events from numerous domains and other sources.
By analyzing all these data points, we make sure anomalies are detected, recommendations are derived and visitor profiles are generated. All of this is made possible by advanced statistical analyses, machine learning, and other data-science techniques.